Red Tape is a Pain in the Tuckus

Ahh, dear reader, I am back again after too long away.  I have been trying to get my ducks in a row today and it has been one stress after another.  As you know if you have been keeping up with my ramblings, I have a fifth chapter to write and have been pushed out another semester.  I have, over the last two weeks,been reading books on Natchez economics in the 1850s, trying to piece together an end to this thesis.  Now, know that I am a social historian and economics confound me.  I am getting there however.  Thank you Kashia for your wonderful recommendations of books and articles that might help me!

Today I tried to get all of my paperwork squared away.  As the morning started, all was well with the world.  Dr Horowitz signed off on my Culminating Experience paperwork (for those of you who are not from CSUN, this course is an extension so I can work on and submit my thesis and therefore very important).  Off to grad studies to get them to sign off on my paperwork…first snag!!!! Because I was not enrolled for the last two semesters I was told I have to complete my thesis this semester…we already know that is not happening… or be enrolled in a class this semester…hello??? its already mid-term… or perhaps have to reapply in the fall of 2013 because they are not accepting students for the spring…. panic ensues!!!

Thank goodness for Cheryl  Wilkinson who has come along on this little trip to basically hold my hand through it all.  If not for her, I probably would have plopped down right then and cried.  But alas, my friends, there was one more possibility… the very nice woman at grad studies offered to call Admissions and Records and see if they would extend my “leave of absence” to next semester because I had surgery last semester…blah, blah, blah… therefore negating all other possibilities and putting me in good standing.  hold breath for an hour….

Yippee! When we walked back up to the history department to see if Dr Horowitz would take pity on me, we got the word that my leave has been extended!  Everything is back on track and all is good with the world again.

So, back to work on chapters two and five tomorrow.  Wednesday is regular writing day and I hope to get quite a bit accomplished!  Have a happy week, my friends and I will be back to you soon with more updates!


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