On That Procrastination Train Again!! Someone Push Me Off Please!

I am so close to being done with my thesis, I can almost taste it.  Why then do I go through these periods of inactivity?  I can make a lot of excuses and try to convince you, dear reader, that I have just been too busy to put pen to paper in the last two weeks, but they would all be hollow excuses.  I have been busy, but not too busy to work.  I have to say that I have been sucked in to this election in a very bad way,  I find myself watching the new all afternoon and evening on some days…often yelling at the television like a crazy person!  I have got to pry myself away and get some work done.  Not only work on my thesis, but work on cleaning my house! The holidays are fast approaching and I just feel like I need to face them with a cleaner house.

Time management is the thing I need to work on most this week.  My goal is to get a little writing and a little cleaning done every day this week.  Then I can run off Saturday to the Civil War Reenactment in Moorpark and truly enjoy myself.  Whitnie and Maggie… I promise I will not drill the poor doctor at the medical tent about Civil War medicine and yellow fever this year!

So, back to work this week!  No excuses.  I have two chapters still left to write…probably between twenty and thirty pages.  This is not that difficult.  I just need to get up off my butt and get back to work.  In addition to that approximated thirty pages, I have to tackle my introduction and conclusion.  Both will be entirely contingent on what these two chapters actually end up being.  So, one thing at a time.  Plan for today… a few pages and a dent in the mess that is my kitchen.  Wish me luck!! 





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